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The Polyvagal Theory (Paperback)


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  • 구매 후 영업일 기준
    2 일 후 발송예정
    기상악화나 천재지변 등의
    상황이 발생하면
    배송이 지연될 수 있음.

책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Gary Fike
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798742356714
발행일 2021/04/24
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.85

주제 분류

  • Books > Medical > Pathology

책 소개

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel uncertain or in danger but not really sure why? You may look around and see that no one else seems to be bothered, but something still feels off to you?
You may not realize it, but you are walking around in the world each day reading thousands of social cues in your environment. In our interacting with others, we pick up facial expressions, tones of voice, bodily movement, and more. We are constantly busy observing and interacting with the world and others as part of the human experience.
As we have these interactions with others, our sense of self is being shaped. We learn about ourselves and about others, who we can trust, and who feels dangerous to us. Our bodies are processing this type of information constantly through these interactions with the world.
With anxiety, depression and stress on the climb, have you ever wondered how you can understand your reactions to life's challenges and stressors? Or maybe you wondered how you can become more resilient? Did you know that you can map your own nervous system? This is such a powerful tool that can help you shift the state of your nervous system to help you feel more mindful, grounded, and joyful during the day, and more importantly during your life.
The terms "fight or flight" and "rest and digest" are typically what we refer to when discussing this autonomic nervous system. However, there are different aspects of the nervous system referred to as the polyvagal theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. The vagus nerve, referred to as the wandering nerve in Latin, is one of the longest nerves and is a cranial nerve that originates in the brainstem and innervates the muscles of the throat, circulation, respiration, digestion and elimination. The vagus nerve is the major constituent of the parasympathetic nervous system and 80 percent of it's nerve fibers are sensory, which means the feedback is critical for the body's homeostasis. .Pretty amazing, wouldn't you say?
When we are in this stressed state or potentially anxious state, then we cannot be curious, or be empathetic at the same time. In addition to not being able to be empathetic or curious, we are also not able to break the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for executive function, communicating, guiding, and coordinating the functions of the different parts of the brain, back online. This essentially means that we are not able to regulate our attention and focus. Sound familiar?
Although the vagus nerve is known for being widely distributed and connected to a variety of areas of the body, it is important to note that this system can influence cranial nerves that regulate social engagement through facial expression and vocalization. As human beings who are wired for connection, we can understand how scanning for danger cues can happen frequently in our interactions with our significant other or important supportive others in our lives.
We innately long for feelings of safety, trust, and comfort in our connections with others and quickly pick up cues that tell us when we may not be safe. As people become safer with and for each other, it can be easier to build healthy bonds, share vulnerabilities, and experience intimacy with each other.
Once you can identify what those states are for you, then you can recognize what your triggers and glimmers are for that state. You can really begin to make a profound difference in your nervous system state. You can take ownership of what's happening to your body, you can tune in to what's happening, and know how to regulate your emotions and your responses to stress. Ultimately, this is how we can begin to develop resilience.
Learn the best way to stimulate your vagus nerve, help your body be on high alert for danger cues and ultimately feel safe and become safe for a lifetime with this guide.

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